publikovani naučni radovi

Naučni rad: "Biometric Creation of Digital Signatures and Their Application in Blockchain"

Moj naučni rad objavljen je u Springer knjizi "LNNS -Beleške o mrežama i sistemima" u kojoj autori objavljuju najnovija dostignuća iz oblasti računarskih mreža i sistema. Izdanja objavljena u LNNS-u obuhvataju nove izazove računarskih sistema i naučna područja: kibernetički sistemi, senzorske mreže, upravljački sistemi, energetski sistemi, automobilski sistemi, umrežavanja vozila, automatizacije, pametne mreže, robotika.
Abstract: Blockchain transactions are secured from falsification by appending a digital signature using the PKI (Public key infrastructure). When signing a blockchain transaction, the user must have access to his private key, which must be kept on a hardware or software token. The scientific works analyzed in this paper represent the application of Blockchain technology in payment card system, and in this way the architecture of the system is simplified. The fusion of biometric technology and blockchain technology, which allows a blockchain transaction to be signed without tokens and eliminates the need for a third-party transaction validator, has improved the functionality of current payment card systems. This paper contains three contributions. It is first demonstrated how different biometrically based digital signature models reported in the literature compare, then it is demonstrated how blockchain transactions can be digitally signed using digital signatures made using biometrics, and finally, because biometric digital signature creation methods have not attracted much attention in the scientific public, a detailed comparison of the FIBS (Fuzzy Identity Based Signature) scheme and the Fuzzy signature method was presented as for these two schemes was shown that we can implement them in Blockchain and Payment Card System.

Keywords: Blockchain, Biometrics, Fuzzy signature, PKI, Payment card system.
Od posebne važnosti za naučnike i za čitaoce je to što se naučni radovi objavljuju u kratkom vremenskom periodu tako da je omogućena brza objava rezultata istraživanja. Časopis je indeksiran od strane SCOPUS, INSPEC, WTI Frankfurt eG, zbMATH, SCimago. Sve knjige objavljene u seriji predaju se na razmatranje u Web of Science.
Delomični popis korišćene literature:

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3) Badovinac, N., Simic. D.: A multimodal biometric authentication (MBA) in card payment systems. In: 2019 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Applications and Innovations (IC-AIAI), pp. 23–26. Belgrade, Serbia (2019)

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5) Korac, D., Simic, D.: Fishbone model and universal authentication framework for evaluation of multifactor authentication in mobile environment. Comput. Secur. 85, 313–332 (2019).