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Naučni rad: "Implementation of User Authentication System in Smart Hospital Useful in the Age of the Covid-19 Pandemic" objavljen u časopisu JITA

Moj rad objavljen je u naučnom časopisu JITA-Journal of Information Tehnology and Applications. Vol-11, Number 1. Uvodno i zaključno poglavlje nalazi se ovde.
Abstract: The security system for authentication and user records in a smart hospital is part of an integrated security system consisti ng of various authentication devices. The security system should be adapted to different characteristics of users, their user processes, but also to periods when the possibility of infection is increased due to a virus pandemic and contamination during multiple touches of different persons on authentication devices. The use of gloves and a medical face mask during a pandemic limits biometric scanning of fingerprints and facial images. During a virus pandemic, some authentication devices have limitations that need to be considered when creating an integrated security system that will have the purpose of securing doctors, staff, patients, information, and things in a smart hospital. In this paper, the parameters on the basis of which it is possible to design an optimally integrated security system are recommended.

Keywords: smart hospital, access control, user authentication, virus pandemic

Introduction: Part of the smart hospital's integrated security system is the access control system. Due to the different characteristics of smart hospital users in relation to users of other types of smart buildings, it is necessary to create a customized user interface that should enable the interaction of specific types of users with the security system of the smart hospital. Users of smart hospitals, unlike users of other smart buildings, differ in psycho-physical characteristics and user processes that they perform on a daily basis. The system should enable the recording of doctors, other hospital staff, patients and visitors. Due to the large number of patients, but also visitors who become part of the smart hospital system every day, it is necessary to design a specific user interface with which different types of users will be able to easily register in the access control system. Each type of user interface has its advantages and disadvantages. In a time of virus pandemic, authentication devices such as biometric fingerprint scanners are a potential source of disease transmission due to contamination from touch by different users. These devices pose a potential risk of transmitting the infection. The deposition of dirt from a finger that touches the surface of authentication devices or a biometric fingerprint scanner can contaminate the surface of the device [1]. It is potentially possible for a smart hospital user to become infected with viruses that can be found on the surface of authentication devices [2]. These authentication models increase the possibility of the user becoming infected with viruses [3]. The essence of this paper is a set of parameters on the basis of which different designs of authentication and identification devices are proposed, which should be adapted to all specific users of smart hospitals and their user processes. The design and implementation of several different authentication and identification devices enables the smart hospital: records of all present users of the smart hospital, reporting of incidents in the building with facilitated identification of the responsible person, control of user movement in smart hospital departments. This system is able to control the optimal number of doctors in individual departments. With adequate software, the system could control the maximum number of visitors per ward, then, it could activate an alarm, in case the optimal number of doctors in the wards is reduced. This paper is conceived as follows: Chapter 2 of this paper presents an overview of previous research and available literature. Chapter 3 describes the problem of authentication and identification in smart hospitals. Chapter 4 describes the proposed parameters for the implementation of the smart hospital user authentication system. Chapter 5 describes the implementation process. Chapter 6 contains the conclusion of the paper.
CONCLUSION: The presented system for user authentication in a smart hospital is adapted to different characteristics of users, their user processes, but also to periods when the possibility of infection is increased, such as the period due to a virus pandemic.The proposed set of parameters of this system enables the development of a specific system for user authentication in smart hospitals and helps in the development of different variants of the device with respect to different authentication interfaces. The innovative interface model for authentication and user access control presented in the paper is applicable in the era of a pandemic of a virus like Covid-19. The implementation process keeps track of the required HCI (human-computer interface) components depending on the users who are authorized to access a particular hospital room. Such an approach will enable the optimization of implementation costs. Using additional software support, the functions of the user record system can be expanded with a detailed record of smart hospital users present, such as controlling the optimal number of doctors in a particular hospital ward at a given time, but it is also possible to control the maximum number of visitors per ward. In short, by choosing an adequate software component, the possibilities of control.
PUBLISHER: Pan-European University APEIRON, Banja Luka. College of Information Technology Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska, B&H.
Darko Uremović, Person Responsible for the Publisher
Aleksandra Vidović, PhD, Editor of University Publications.
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